Monday, May 6, 2013

Apartment Purge

In anticipation of our upcoming (yet still not finalized) move, and also just because it needs to be done, we're slowly clearing out and cleaning up our apartment.

Last week I went through the kids' room hoping to toss a bunch of old toys while they were out for the day. While I did manage to gather a trash bag full of stuff, it turns out it was all actual trash and not too many toys. I suppose the good news in this is that they DON'T have an over-abundance of toys they aren't playing with. Sure I got rid of some of the cheap stuff they got from well meaning relatives during the holidays, as well the little 'treats' that come in kids meals, but really their toy boxes (which my awesome B-I-L made, and are about the size of a milk crate) aren't full. The oldest has the emptiest box (perhaps because he has a separate box up high for legos), while the two girls with their babies and barbies and accessories have the most full boxes. All in all I'm please with the state of the kids' room.

Which leads me to...

Our room.


Admittedly in an apartment with almost no storage and a bunch of people the master bedroom becomes a dumping ground. A place for things to go and die. Or just sit on the floor forever. The rowdy nature of the kids made us put their dresser in our room (or run the risk of them dumping their clothes and having to rewash it all), and since all of the dressers are there might as well fold laundry in there, and since the clean laundry is there might as well put the dirty laundry in a corner...You get the idea. Add on that the kids still manage to dump all their clothes on the floor (just not their floor) and the bedroom is a nightmare. I'm a packrat and a crafty person, so I have a bunch of yarn and odds and ends that might be useful, or that I want to do something with. So today I'm trying to tackle the master bedroom. It's slow going, but it is going. I already got rid of yet another bag of clothes we don't need. A lot of it was old baby clothes I've been holding onto...we've been strapped for cash too long not to cringe about getting rid of some of this stuff, but it is worth the monetary cost of replacing it (should we need it!) if it gives us some breathing room and peace of mind.

Plus I really really don't want to move a ton of crap in the summer.

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